Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Too much money/too much rock

I was in the Apple store last weekend and observed a man purchasing 5 (five) iPhones. The cashier was initially both confused and oddly excited by this transaction (do they work on commission? I would tend to doubt it, but what do I know?). Why do I mention this? I just thought it was sort of a weird thing and I figured I'd mention it.

Turbonegro was awesome on Monday by the way. Every song they have is a crazy sing-a-long, so it's pretty hard to make a bad set. They played all my favorites anyway (barring one, off the new album). They played their asses off, and had hilarious between-song banter involving using the city of Boston and its historical and political figures to create amazingly strained attempts to segue between songs. Crowd turn-out and response was impressive for a Monday night as well. All the low-rise jeans, American-flag chaps, sailor caps, and sweat you could ask for, really.

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