Thursday, September 20, 2007

Brass Knuckles and a Two by Four

OK, so I did not get my Alethes CD that I ordered a week or two ago, because it is out of stock (along with a CD of 60's French girl pop I also ordered). The store believes they will come back though, so lets all cross our fingers REAL HARD.

In other news, I'm going to see Turbonegro this coming Monday night (I actually have to run out of class and jump in a cab to take me to Allston to make the show). I am very excited for this show. Their new album Retox might be the rock record of the year. Derivitive and innovative in all the best ways. Terrorizer gave it a pretty lackluster review, but I think in terms of pure songcraft, it's the best album they've ever done. Most of the songs are a super-catchy hybrid of punk and 70's glam rock (with some Motley Crue/GnR-isms for good measure) with lyrics that were likely judged "too stupid for AC/DC." In the last several months (or since whenever it came out), it is the album I've probably listened to the most. Rocktastic!

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