Friday, October 12, 2007

Utterly Heavy

High On Fire - Death is This Communion
The new High On Fire totally crushes. The song-writing is great, and the production is better than ever. Imagine the last album without the utterly tiring-to-listen-to, midrange-y, Steve Albini production with catchier songs and heavier, more dynamic riffs.
Matt Pike sings like three Lemmys, so when there's some vocal melody it sounds kind of weird, but it works and gives the songs a lot of power.
There are also a few short instrumentals (one of which is all percussion) which gives some respite between the proper songs and highlights some different elements of the band. Highly recommended.
They played live the other night at the Middle East, but I was at school and missed them.

The new Baroness is pretty great too, but I haven't given it a close enough listen to review it properly. It sounds different from the EPs, but still pretty cool; much more of a Southern vibe going on.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Amateur Mixology

I love cocktails. Specifically I like old cocktails like Manhattans, and Martinis with gin and vermouth in them. I also like to come up with my own. Here's a few for you to try in your own home!

Oaken Throne
In a cocktail shaker, combine with ice:
2oz of Applejack
1oz sweet vermouth
several dashes of Angosturra bitters
Stir and strain into a Collins glass;
top with cold apple cider

In a cocktail shaker, combine with ice:
1.5oz of rye whiskey
.5oz of Campari
.5oz of dry vermouth
a dash each of orange and Angosturra bitters
stir and strain into a cocktail glass or an old fashioned glass with fresh ice
